Practice Areas


car accidents

Being involved in a car accident is more than just damage to your vehicle. Not only are you dealing with physical pain, but also the mental stress caused by the injuries, doctors’ bills, missed work and more. A car accident can be one of the most expensive and stressful hardships in your life. If you have been injured in an auto accident, you are entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of earnings and earning capacity.

Truck Accidents

A standard car can be crushed by a large truck, such as an 18-wheeler. When a large truck is involved in a crash,  experts may need to be retained to properly analyze the crash and liability. Experts are used to download data from the truck’s Event Data Recorder (Blackbox), scan the truck, review maintenance records and the truck driver’s fitness and capability to drive.

Motorcycle Accidents

When a motorcycle rider is thrown off their bike in a collision, injuries can be substantial. Helmets provide some degree of protection, but most of the vertebrae is left exposed when proper gear isn’t worn. Safety gear may help but injuries may still occur if it is a severe impact.. Even in a relatively minor crashes, injuries could be life changing. Additionally, certain laws apply to riding a motorcycle, as riders have the ability to do certain things cars are not allowed to do, such as splitting lanes. Understanding laws such as these are key to liability issues in these types of crashes. For most riders, riding is not just a means of transportation, it is a passion…a way of life. We make sure their story is properly told.


Bus Accidents

Some common causes of bus wrecks are driver distraction, speeding, driver fatigue, aggressive driving, inadequate driver training, failure to perform required inspections, and pressuring the driver to work long hours. Proper investigation must be made into the crash and the bus driver’s fitness and ability to drive. Passengers in buses can be seriously injured by being thrown around the inside of a bus during a violent impact with another car or during a negligent sudden stop.   


Pedestrian Incidents

A simple walk can turn into a life-changing event if a vehicle strikes you. As a pedestrian struck by a vehicle, you have all of the same rights as people injured in a vehicle.


Rideshare Accidents

We rely on the safety of rideshare companies such as UBER, LYFT, etc., daily to provide great service and safe rides, making transportation convenient and safer. However, rideshare drivers can be negligent. The same protections and claims apply if you are involved in an accident while a passenger of a rideshare vehicle or if you were hit by one.  


Spine Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are among the most common injuries sustained as a result of an incident. The injuries should be taken seriously because even minor injury can cause significant devastation and long-term symptoms. Certain spinal injuries will need ongoing life-long care. Someone injured by the negligence of another should seek compensation for current and future care needed.


Brain Injuries

Brain injuries have an array of levels and symptoms.. Concussions are considered traumatic brain injuries. Proper medical attention and examination is needed to fully treat and evaluate the damage caused by a brain injury. Some may have suffered a brain injury but not realize it. A brain injury can drastically change the life of the injured person and those loved ones around them.


Assault by Security Guard

It is the duty of property owners to ensure their premises are reasonably safe for their customers. This is especially true by requiring adequate security measures to avoid criminal misconduct. But if the security guards failed to provide their services in a proper manner or abuse their position, there may be legal consequences.


Slip/Trip & Fall

Unexpectedly slipping or tripping over something on a property can result in serious injuries to the joints, head and spine, among other body parts. Property owners have a duty to maintain their premises in a safe condition and to warn visitors about dangerous conditions. 


Premises Liability

A property owner must take reasonable steps to prevent injuries on their property. If there is an injury on someone else’s property, regardless of whether it is privately owned or public, you may be entitled to recover financial damages to help with your medical bills and to offset your out-of-pocket expenses and lost wages during your physical recovery from the injuries.


Dog Bites

Dog bites include a claim for medical care, bills, emotional and psychological trauma, and any residual scarring caused by the attack, amongst other compensation. In California, an owner of a dog is strictly liable for any harm their dog causes.


Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are some of the most painful injuries because the skin's surface contains a high density of nerves and with advanced stage burns, the person may experience additional pain with treatments required such as skin grafts that require surgery. Lifelong scarring, nerve damage and tissue problems may occur. An investigation should be done to discover the cause of the fire and liability.


Products Defect

Manufacturers, distributers, or sellers can be held liable and responsible for placing a dangerous or defective product in the hands of people. Claims are brought when there is negligence such as inherent design flaws, manufacturing errors, or marketing defects.


Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice claims are brought against health care providers who fail to meet the standard of care in treating their patients, including doctors, nurses, hospitals, and support staff. Claims also arise when there is a failure to warn patients of risks and harms, failure to refer patients to specialists, failure to provide a safe environment, and failure to treat for known injuries.


Wrongful Death

Under California law for wrongful death, each heir has an individual claim, and it is often brought by family members or an administrator in the name of the estate. A claim for wrongful death seeks to recover money damages on behalf of the family, including pain and suffering, loss of financial support, funeral, and burial expenses.


These are Representative settlement and verdicts of Partners Jonathan Bakhsheshian and Anthony Ellis over their legal careers.